The Teaching of Talking, The: Learn to Do Expert Speech Therapy at Home with Children and Adults

  • ISBN 9781614482543
  • Author: Ittleman, Mark A
  • Publ Date: 2012-06-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Electronic book text

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People with speaking difficulties are at the mercy of insurance companies who are determining how often and for how long speech therapy services should be delivered. It is also a disturbing reality that the likelihood for therapy frequency and length of care is contingent upon either the level of competence or comfort level of the speech-language pathologist or the financial policies of each institution. Often it has nothing to do with the severity or need for speech therapy. Our health care system is in no position to bankroll the long-term therapy that many people need who have moderate to profound speaking difficulties. The goal of Teaching of Talking is to make sure that any loved one, caregiver or speech-language pathologist is thoroughly knowledgeable in methods to help people improve talking since it is never known when the plug will be pulled on speech and language therapy services. Ittleman says: "I see hundreds of people with speech and language difficulties each year. By reading and applying The Teaching of Talking, you will have the confidence to help your client or loved one, no matter what the insurance company or institution does. By learning to do what is in Teaching of Talking you will be more self-sufficient and will not have to rely on anyone to provide your loved one with expert speech therapy.
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