The Adverse Childhood Experiences Card Deck: Tools to Open Conversations, Identify Support and Promote Resilience with Adolescents and Adults

  • ISBN 9781839971426
  • Author: Larkin, Warren
  • Publ Date: 2023-08-21
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Cards

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Adverse Childhood Experiences can include a multitude of stressful and traumatic events during childhood: including exposure to different forms of abuse, neglect, loss or violence, which can have life-long consequences.

Designed by renowned Consultant Clinical Psychologist and International Trainer, Dr Warren Larkin, this card deck features 100 full-colour illustrated cards with a detailed instruction manual to help practitioner and clients to explore adverse experiences, and to identify potential sources of support and to build resilience.

Flexible, adaptable and easy to use, these cards will be an essential tool for your work with clients who've experienced adversity and trauma.
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