Clinical Nursing Skills: An Australian Perspective

  • ISBN 9781316620212
  • Author: Bloomfield, Jacqueline (University of Sydney)
  • Publ Date: 2016-10-21
  • Edition: 1
  • Binding: Mixed media product

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Clinical Nursing Skills provides students with a strong, industry-focused foundation in nursing across various clinical settings. It includes the essential theory as well as relevant practical examples, which illustrate the skills required to prepare students for the workplace and help them achieve clinical competence. Each chapter is written by leading academics and based on the registered nurse standards for practice. Pedagogical features include learning objectives, reflective questions, clinical tips, full-colour images, in-situ troubleshooting case studies, skills in practice case studies, keys terms and definitions, and research topics for further study. Clinical Nursing Skills is a highly practical and authoritative resource designed to educate the next generation of nurses. The book comes with free access to the VitalSource etext. This enhanced version of Clinical Nursing Skills houses homework assignments, tutorial assistance, guided solutions and additional content in one convenient resource, which you can download to your computer or mobile device.
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