Basic & Clinical Biostatistics: Fifth Edition

  • ISBN 9781260455366
  • Author: Dawson, Beth
  • Publ Date: 2019-11-08
  • Edition: 5
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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The acclaimed user-friendly introduction to biostatistics and epidemiology in clinical medicine
Basic & Clinical Biostatistics, Fifth Edition has been updated throughout to deliver a comprehensive, timely introduction to biostatistics and epidemiology as applied to medicine, clinical practice, and research.
The book features "Presenting Problems" (case studies) drawn from studies published in the medical literature, end-of-chapter exercises, and a reorganization of content to reflect the way investigators ask research questions. To facilitate learning chapters contain a set of key concepts to orient the reader to the important ideas discussed in the chapter. An icon will be displayed above key points in the chapter where the concept is discussed.
*Key components include a chapter on survey research and expanded discussion of logistic regression, the Cox model, and other multivariate statistical methods*Extensive examples illustrate statistical methods and design issues *Updated examples and software references *Expanded coverage of data visualization, including content on visual perception and discussion of tools such as Tableau, Qlik and MS Power BI*New chapter consolidates all sections on Sampling into one*New material on registries (cancer, etc.) *Updated content, examples, and data sets throughout.
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