Applied Genetics in Healthcare

  • ISBN 9781859962749
  • Author: Skirton, Heather ; Patch
  • Publ Date: 2005-06-02
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Increasingly, genomics is having an impact on mainstream healthcare. All health professionals will now be required to understand basic genetic concepts, but the depth of knowledge required will vary according to the role of the practitioner, and the setting in which he or she works. Following the success of Genetics for Healthcare Professionals by Skirton and Patch, which was written for practitioners at foundation level, Applied Genetics in Healthcare approaches the issues of genetic healthcare at a more advanced level and is primarily intended as a handbook for those training or working as genetic specialists. However, the book will also be a useful resource for practitioners who specialize in particular fields of healthcare that require knowledge of genetics in specific topics. Those experiened in genetic healthcare will find the book to be a valuable handbook and a source of references for wider reading. All of the authors have worked extensively in the field of genetic healthcare and have used their experience in both genetics nursing and genetics counseling to create a working handbook that is rooted in clinical practice.
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