Human Baroreflexes in Health and Disease

  • ISBN 9780198576938
  • Author: ECKBERG
  • Publ Date: 1992-03-12
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Nerve endings in the walls of the carotid sinuses and the aortic arch transduce arterial pressure changes and provide the central nervous system with a steady stream of encoded information. On the basis of this information, efferent autonomic neural activity is modulated finely, and the neurohumoral milieu of the heart and blood vessels is adjusted on a second-to-second basis. The arterial baroreflex may be the most important of the cardiovascular control mechanisms, because the baroreflex, above all other reflex mechanisms is the one whose speed is most adequate to respond rapidly to the abrupt transients of arterial pressure that occur in daily life. This book aims to help to fix a place for human studies in the understanding of baroreflex physiology and pathophysiology. It is intended as a celebration of the advances that have been made and, by describing the existing deficiencies in the understanding of baroreflex mechanisms, it points a way for future research in this key area of medical science. This monograph is aimed at physiologists, neurophysiologists, psychophysiologists, academic and practising cardiologists, internists, and hypertension specialists.
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