Biochemistry, Third Edition

  • ISBN 9780071634359
  • Author: Naik, Pankaja
  • Publ Date: 2009-11-06
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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This full-color text provides a concise and straightforward introduction to biochemistry

This is a greatly revised new edition of a popular student text. The simple, concise, point-to-point stepwise format has been maintained in this revised edition and the text has been reorganized and revised for better timeliness and clarity.

Seven new chapters have been added and a number of chapters have been fully revised and updated in this edition. Each chapter begins with contents that indicate the topics covered and concludes with a review of the contents as well as review questions. Over 1000 practice questions comprising MCQs, SAQs, short notes, clinical cases, etc. have been included. The text is multicolor and thoroughly overhauled.
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