International Perspectives on State and Family Support for the Elderly

  • ISBN 9781560244806
  • Author: Bass, Scott
  • Publ Date: 1993-12-22
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Within the context of long-range planning, this book examines the changing responsibilities of the state and family toward elders in different societies around the world. International Perspectives on State and Family Support for the Elderly presents a fresh range of lucid analyses of family caregiving policy from Canada, the United States, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Austria, Denmark, Israel, and the People's Republic of China. Different institutional structures, levels of economic development, and cultural values, among other factors, impact policy development in various countries. With the information examined in this book, readers can gain an understanding of elder care in other societies, which can help them in developing policies for their own countries.Authors of International Perspectives on State and Family Support for the Elderly address questions such as: Who is responsible for caring for the aged? What are the policy issues that determine how such care is handled in various countries? Are the underlying principles upon which policy is based changing? Who pays for the care of the aged? What is the balance of the roles of government, family, and community? Along with these questions, authors discuss:

the importance of family care
the well-being, payment, and rights of informal caregivers
providing services for informal caregivers
shifting the burden of care from formal organizations to families
the effects of governmental frameworks on caregiving
the impact of the political agenda on caregiving
caregiving and the welfare stateInternational Perspectives on State and Family Support for the Elderly contains information for all professionals interested or involved in developing policy for the elderly. Demographers, sociologists, social workers, health care and public health professionals, gerontologists, and advanced students in these fields will find this book a helpful guide in their studies.
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