Aging Forward: A New Path for Health, Technology, and Community

  • ISBN 9781956801033
  • Author: Dunkelman, David
  • Publ Date: 2023-06-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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America has an aging challenge. As baby boomers enter advanced age, the shortfalls of our current systems are increasingly clearer, and if nothing changes, we are woefully unprepared for a world with more older adults than ever before. Aging Forward confronts this reality and presents a vision for the future that will spark discussion, innovation, and change. Delving into the aging phenomenon, this book describes the many substantial shortfalls in how aging services are delivered in contemporary America-from the perspectives of government, public health, business, culture, family, and individual concerns. Describing how our aging demographic has outgrown the traditional medical/institutional approach to caring for elders, it argues for reframing our thinking and rebuilding our service infrastructure around the management of chronic conditions rather than acute medical care. Focusing on data-driven technology and communication can allow a team of professionals to support any aging individual so that he/she can remain within the community and only visit "care institutions" for acute medical needs. The focus is on finding better ways to help older adults achieve and maintain a continuing sense of well-being-or benescence-that is achieved through more effective services and policies.

This vision requires a radical change in every sector of society, but Aging Forward shows it is possible, as demonstrated in businesses and technologies that have successfully accomplished similar transformations in a very short time. The shift is already happening before our eyes, but under the radar. Aging Forward brings it to the forefront to help supercharge the future of aging.
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