Granulomatous Disorders of Adult Skin, A

  • ISBN 9780323390965
  • Author: By Joseph C. English, III , MD
  • Publ Date: 2015-07-13
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Granulomatous disorders represent a unique group of diseases both non-infectious and infectious that require the utmost clinical pathologic correlation combined with a keen sense of inquiry for underlying systemic disease. Some of these diseases are common and some are rare; however all dermatologists need to diagnose and manage these diseases whether common or rare. This issue of Dermatology Clinics "Granulomatous Disorders of the Adult Skin" supplies the readers with a comprehensive, up to date, and evidence based review of multiple granulomatous disorders (i.e. palisdaing, epitheliod, xanthomatous, casseating, supprative, vasculitic, lymphoproliferative, foreign body). Dermatologists need to be able to differentiate the entities, evaluate patients for specific underlying systemic diseases (diabetes to cancer) and treat with a wide range of immunosuppressant to anti-infectious agents. This issue will help the dermatologist learn the most current etiopathogenesis, clinical/systemic manifestations and therapeutic modalities for these diseases. Other specialists who would find the information useful: Rheumatologists, Infectious Disease specialists, Hematologists/Oncologists, Endocrinologists, Pulmonologists, Oral-maxillary surgeons, and Pharmacists.
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