Pain from Unrelated Treatment

  • ISBN 9781975103064
  • Author: Jarrell, John
  • Publ Date: 2018-08-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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In this unique title, international experts focus on unexpected pain as a consequence of indicated medical or surgical treatment. Pain from Unrelated Treatment explores the wide variety of pain mechanisms that can be disturbed and possibly treated - discussions that can lead to further explanation of these mechanisms, as well as improved care for patients experiencing what can be severely incapacitating outcomes.

Surgical topics range from pain from a simple surgical incision to the insertion of foreign mesh and the excision of endometriosis deep in the pelvic musculature. Medical topics include the surprising event of pain from the treatment of HIV and elevated cholesterol. Other discussions cover management of pain in iatrogenic nerve injury, post-dural puncture headache, pain from gastrointestinal surgery, and statin medications.
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