CBT for Chronic Pain and Psychological Well-being: A Skills Training Manual Integrating DBT, ACT, Behavioral Activation and Motivational Interviewing

  • ISBN 9781118788813
  • Author: Carlson, Mark
  • Publ Date: 2014-05-23
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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The first clinical manual of evidence-based CBT skills for managing psychological issues associated with chronic pain, drawn from current approaches such as DBT, ACT, and motivational interviewing.

The first skills training manual in the field of chronic pain and mental health disorders to provide an integrated session-by-session outline that is customizable for clinicians
Adaptive and evidence-based - integrates skill sets from DBT, ACT, Behavioral Activation, and Motivational Interviewing to address the unique needs of individual chronic pain sufferers
Clinicians can import the approach into their work, selecting the most appropriate skills and sessions, or create an entire therapeutic program with the manual as its foundation
Includes invaluable measurement and tracking tools for clinicians required to report outcomes
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