Down Syndrome: Current Perspectives

  • ISBN 9781909962477
  • Author: Newton, Richard W.
  • Publ Date: 2015-04-20
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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Down syndrome remains the most common recognisable form of intellectual disability. The challenge for doctors today is how to capture the rapidly expanding body of scientific knowledge and devise models of care to meet the needs of individuals and their families. Down syndrome; Clinical Perspectives provides doctors and other health professionals with the information they need to address the challenges that can present in the management of syndrome. Chapters written by internationally respected paediatricians with a special interest in Down syndrome, cover Down syndrome comorbidities, such hearing problems, gastrointestinal disorders, congenital heart diseases, as well as the underlying biology and new developments in molecular genetics. Contributions from the UK Down Syndrome Association and Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group define how doctors can work effectively with other professionals to improve health care provisions for this group. Each chapter is illustrated by informative case scenarios and answers to FAQs from parents and carers.

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