Crohn's and Colitis For Dummies

  • ISBN 9781119875772
  • Author: Ali, Tauseef (SSM Health IBD Center, OK)
  • Publ Date: 2022-10-27
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Get relief from your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are diseases that disrupt your body's ability to digest food, absorb nutrition, and eliminate waste in a healthy manner. Crohn's And Colitis For Dummies is the ultimate reference to these common forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), including tips on how to recognize and control the symptoms, so you can get your life back. Get ideas for keeping disease in check through diet and lifestyle changes, learn about the various medical and surgical treatment options, and discover healthier living with this friendly Dummies guide. This updated edition covers the latest research on IBD and new therapies that are helping today's Crohn's and colitis patients. You'll also find resources that will help and offer hope as you navigate your diagnosis.

Learn about the different forms of inflammatory bowel disease
Ask the right questions at the doctor's office
Make simple changes that will improve your symptoms
Know that there's hope and that you are not alone

This book is perfect for anyone who has been recently diagnosed with Crohn's or colitis, and for those who suspect they may have an IBD. If you're a caregiver or family member of an IBD sufferer, you'll also love the easy-to-understand information inside.
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