Talley and O'Connor's Examination Medicine: A Guide to Physician Training

  • ISBN 9780729543866
  • Author: Talley, Nicholas J., MD (NSW), PhD (Syd), MMedSci
  • Publ Date: 2020-12-11
  • Edition: 9
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Talley & O'Connor's Examination Medicine: A guide to physician training, has prepared generations of physician trainees and medical students for their clinical examinations. Instructive, informative and aligned with current practice, this ninth edition gives you an overview of what to expect, what is expected of you and how to develop a mature clinical approach to complex medical problems. Talley and O'Connor share their valuable advice on how to prepare for the examinations, use your time to best effect and avoid common pitfalls to ensure you give your best possible performance in your examinations and beyond.

Video tutorials of long and short cases included on ExpertConsult
Clinical photographs of signs and conditions
50 long cases including history, examination, investigations, treatment and possible lines of questioning
Sample long cases from the examiner's perspective including discussion points and clinical traps
30 short cases including guidance for 'spot diagnosis 'and 'common stems'
Hint boxes highlighting common pitfalls and useful tips
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase
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