Children and Young People's Nursing

  • ISBN 9781444107845
  • Author: Davies, Ruth ; Davies, A
  • Publ Date: 2011-04-29
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Children and Young People's Nursing provides a comprehensive overview of the issues facing children's nurses today. It focuses on developing best practice and implementing high quality care.

This book covers the wide range of general and specialist care settings in which children and young people's nurses work, including schools, the community and mental health. Written by a team of experts from across the UK, it emphasizes throughout the fundamental principles of contemporary children's nursing, such as family-centred care, safeguarding and the need for a culturally sensitive and rights-based approach to care. This is an essential text for all children's nursing students, as well as a useful reference for qualified nurses looking to update their practice.

Key features

All chapters are underpinned by current policies and the latest research
Key points, reflection points, principles for practice boxes and cas studies to aid learning
Concludes with a section on building your portfolio and advancing your practice and career
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