Asperger Syndrome: Risk Factors, Cognitive-Behavioral Characteristics and Management Strategies

  • ISBN 9781634638104
  • Author: Shaughnessy, Michael F.
  • Publ Date: 2015-01-01
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Hardback

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A condition which has received much attention since its initial "discovery" or labeling has been that of Asperger's Syndrome. Some find it mysterious, others label it as "odd, bizarre, idiosyncratic" behavior, and yet others have mocked and ridiculed the behaviors and oddities. There have even been television shows and movies extolling this condition, and bringing awareness to the general public. A recent development has been the elimination of Asperger's from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. It should be noted that this text is used for diagnostic purposes in America, but is often referenced in other parts of the world. There are obvious ramifications and repercussions to this recent event. Some see this as a travesty. Others believe it to be a more sublime organization of the phenomenon called "Autism." In any event, this book examines and explores this condition from both a positive perspective and perhaps negative perspective from the point of view of management strategies, cognitive-behavioral differences and difficulties.
This is the most current, comprehensive book available on this topic and it is hoped that the book will provide some guidance to parents, teachers and clinicians as well as researchers and scholars in the field.
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