The Practical Handbook of Eating Difficulties: A comprehensive guide from personal and professional perspectives

  • ISBN 9781913414689
  • Author: Parker, Ilsa
  • Publ Date: 2021-11-30
  • Edition:
  • Binding: Paperback / softback

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Over the last 30 years, the prevalence of eating disorders has increased to become a widespread problem across the UK and worldwide. This book offers a comprehensive guide written by people with eating disorders, their families and leading researchers, clinicians and therapists, all aiming to improve understanding of practical ways of helping people with eating disorders to live and thrive in their communities. The handbook covers the important topics of understanding eating difficulties in our society's context, including the role of social media and the fashion industry, and how health care professionals and voluntary organisations currently support those with an eating disorder. It explores the value of exercise, nutrition and sleep, and considers support from parents and schools for children, as well as making reasonable accommodations for young people and adults in higher education and the workplace. Particular therapies for stabilisation and recovery are detailed, and a final section sets out examples of creative and arts-based approaches.
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